Our favourite TED Talks

Posted: Tuesday, 14 April 2020 @ 13:34

Staying positive during this difficult time can be tough. One of our coping calendar recommendations is to start a new series! Whilst you can't beat Tiger King for a more addictive watch, here are a few of our favourite TED Talks to keep you upbeat:

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator: Tim Urban

Avoiding tasks is made easier when working from home - why not put on your washing or do the dishes rather than sending that "difficult" e-mail? Get to know your instant gratification monkey and how he is holding you back with this TED talk.


How Great Leaders Inspire Action: Simon Sinek

An oldie but a goodie and a must see for any Manage. Learn about this simple management model to keep employees inspired. If you enjoy this we also recommend watching "why good leaders make you feel safe". 


The Power of Vulnerability : Brené Brown

Being kind to yourself can make a huge difference during this time. Shame Researcher, Brene Brown discusses her research into human connection and how our ability to empathize, belong and love can impact everything we do.  

Explore more by visiting the TED Website here or find out more about our Apprenticeship programmes to help you develop yourself. 
